
Project Profile

Manufacturing Automation

Type Of Project:  In-house application.

Product Description:  This system was a major extension to an existing MES (Manufacturing Execution System) application supplied by a third-party.  The project also included integration of the MES application with a third package via the custom transactions.  The original application allowed a framework for adapting the application to the specific requirements of the users.  These specific requirements were extensive and all related to federal agency rules.  The product also involved the integration of the online application with a backend document control system.

Ridgeline Involvement:  Provided development talent.  Also, provided consulting on project management techniques.

Current Status:  System was implemented on time and under budget.  The users continue to praise the ease of use and robustness of the system.

Development Environment:  Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 on Windows 95 and Oracle on UNIX.

Key Points:  The project was extremely successful in it's implementation.  The users were constantly asking for the system to be extended to new areas even as it was being implemented.  The system was tested and validated to FDA requirements with every release.  Extensive development was undertaken to develop tools and techniques to ease the development and deployment process along with the reaction time to when problems did occur.


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